Claims management and team working

FinLegal’s claims automation solution not only optimises the client onboarding process but it enables seamless digital working between your legal team, clients and litigation funders.

Our platform has a range of automation features designed for speed and accuracy. It ensures that your team is doing the right activities at the right time, meaning that nothing is missed or gets buried in emails and spreadsheets.

It automatically;

  • assigns work to your team

  • provides metrics about your acquisition funnel

  • enables mass filtering and assigning of activities to clients

  • Fully manages all content and communications via SMS, email and web chat.

Having a total solution spanning data storage, client self service and claims automation consolidates costly systems into one product.

FinLegal’s claims automation solution not only ensures the smooth progression of the claim, it also enables you to easily evidence your GDPR compliance and other legal regulatory requirements.


View claimants by status

Analysing the status of your cases - individually or collectively - couldn’t be easier.

FinLegal’s claims automation solution allows you to group clients by different stages giving you valuable insight and management information.

Automated tasking of the legal team

Our claims automation solution gives you full control over which member of your team handles which aspect of the claim. As a case progresses through its various stages team tasks are assigned to different member of your team based on their role or experience.

We work with you from the outset to set this up based on your requirements, It’s quick and easy to do and can be altered at any time.

Filtering of claimants and saving filters

As a case builds, so too does the amount of data held about the claimant.

Our solution gives you the flexibility to quickly segment and filter client data depending on your requirements.

You can then setup automated chaser emails or SMS, and/or change claimant data or statuses in bulk.


Mass/individual communication

Communicating to many clients is made simple with personalised mass communication via SMS and/or email

Clients will receive the message once, but repeat messages will be sent until acted on by your prospects or clients.

Mass/individual assignment of activities

Throughout the course of a claim many pieces of information are required. Sometimes it might just be needed from one client, but there will be occasions when it is necessary get the same information from a particular group of clients based on certain criteria.

FinLegal’s claims automation solution helps you to do this as it enables any activity to be mass assigned to a filtered set of clients.

Team and client audit logging

A full immutable history of data and all platform interactions - including form fills, communications and data views - is available at all times.

Our solution provides a clear and irrefutable account of the firm-client relationship and ensures complete accountability within your team and across your suppliers.