Camp Lejeune
We’ve helped several firms navigate the large task of onboarding, tracking and submitting Camp Lejeune claims.
Our software helps with:
- Evidencing military service dates and locations
- Completing bulk filing with supporting documents
- Unresponsive clients that need chasing
- Reducing the number of lengthy client phone calls
- A large amount of fraudulent submissions
Camp Lejeune, the FinLegal way.
Working with claimants is made easy using self service and automation
Client specific information capture
Simplified military service, medical condition and hospital information capture, on PC or mobile.
Increase response with automated email/SMS
Prompt claimants automatically via your chosen communication channel increasing engagement and response.
Automated qualification and document review
Automated review of medical conditions and text extraction from DD214s to qualify claimants.
Download claim data ready for bulk filing
Easily generate documents and bulk filings from your templates using the specifics of each claim.
It's easy to get started...
Up and running in weeks for your case
Fees scale as your client numbers grows
Use standalone, or with other solutions
Loved by your marketing partners

“One team member was able to work part time across over 10,000 clients to gather information.”
“Responses increased by 100% to requests for information and documents.”
“80% of people signed up without needing any support from our team.”